Council Recommendations
As an advisory body to the Governor and Children’s Cabinet on matters related to the development and learning of children from birth through third grade, the Rhode Island Early Learning Council reviews data and research, develops policy recommendations, and advises the state on funding opportunities.
The following policy recommendations have been endorsed by the RI Early Learning Council:
- Governor's Workforce Board Rhode Island: Recommendations on Early Childhood Workforce Development - June 2023
- Early Years – Early Grades Work Group Final Recommendations - December 2020
- Meeting the Social-Emotional Needs of Rhode Island's Youngest Learners - June 2020
- Improving the Compensation and Retention of Effective Infant/Toddler Educators in Rhode Island - December 2019
- Rhode Island Early Learning Council Comprehensive Advisory Plan and Recommendations 2016-2020 - June 2016
- Next Steps for Infants, Toddlers, & Their Families - June 2015
- Rhode Island Early Learning Council Strategic Plan 2012-2016 - December 2012
- Early Learning Data System Recommendations - June 2011
- Kindergarten Entry Assessment Recommendations - March 2011
- Expanding Access to High Quality Early Learning Programs - March 2011
The Rhode Island Early Learning Council is responsible for the following activities required as a State Advisory Council for Early Care and Education under the 2007 federal Head Start Reauthorization Act:
- Conduct periodic statewide needs assessments concerning the quality and availability of early childhood education and development programs and services, including an assessment of the availability of high-quality pre-kindergarten services for low-income children in the State
- Identify opportunities for, and barriers to, collaboration and coordination among Federally-funded and State-funded child development, child care, and early childhood education programs and services, including collaboration and coordination among State agencies responsible for administering such programs
- Develop recommendations for increasing the overall participation of children in existing Federal, State, and local child care and early childhood education programs, including outreach to underrepresented and special populations
- Develop recommendations regarding the establishment, implementation and use of a unified data collection system for public early childhood education and development programs and services throughout the State
- Develop recommendations regarding statewide professional development and career advancement plans for early childhood educators in the State
- Assess the capacity and effectiveness of 2- and 4-year public and private institutions of higher education in the State toward supporting the development of early childhood educators, including the extent to which such institutions have in place articulation agreements, professional development and career advancement plans, and practice or internships for students to spend time in a Head Start or prekindergarten program
- Make recommendations for improvements in State early learning standards and undertake efforts to develop high quality comprehensive early learning standards, as appropriate.
- Meet periodically to review any implementation of the recommendations and any changes in State and local needs